D'Orsi Silvano

D'Orsi Silvano

He was born in the province of Caserta in 1953, since the 70s he lives and works in the province of Perugia.
Eclectic, quick-change, curious experimenter, D'Orsi boasts the creation of continuously different arts and works. He is a ceramist, painter and sculptor. He now paints Dechirichian-inspired mannequins, now giant and colorful moons. Both for technique and for subjects it evolves tirelessly.
It is inserted in the Catalog of Modern Art published by Giorgio Mondadori (Milan), classified AC: High Critical Interest. It is part of Arcani Movement with which he exhibits in Italy and the United States. In November 2012 his works, denouncing the effects of capitalism, are exhibited at the UN gallery in an exhibition dedicated to human rights.

One of his works is acquired on permanent display by the Giuseppe Sciortino Museum in Monreale (Palermo). Another is on permanent display at the National Museum in Lviv, Ukraine.
He creates bronze sculptures and paints oils and acrylics on canvas. Since 2013 he has created mosaics on canvas of his small works applied on wood. Among the subjects of recent introduction, there are the religious ones: faces of Christ and Madonnas with the Child.


The works of D'Orsi Silvano

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